Meeple Blog > August Milkshake Madness

August Milkshake Madness

August Milkshake Madness


This past month audiences’ hearts were reignited with the release of the live-action Disney classic The Lion King. Here at the Malted Meeple, our Milkshake Madness was in full swing with a trio of Lion King related shakes. Our Scar-inspired honey pear Bee Pre-pear-ed and the banana coconut Can You Peel the Love Tonight fought a great fight, but the toffee & pecan Hakunut Matoffee emerged from the pride and will take its place as rightful king – and August’s Milkshake of the Month.

August’s Milkshake Madness competition may be Onix-pected to some, but don’t worry, you won’t be Seaking out what the new flavors will be any longer – we can’t keep our Meowths shut!  Assemble your squad and come vote for your favorite flavor as we celebrate this month with a selection of inspired milkshakes!

The three flavors going up for battle will need your votes to get them to the top. While there’s no Elite Four at the end of the road, your decision will help us deem one flavor the best there ever was to become Milkshake of the Month for September!

Cherrymander (Cherry, Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt) will be sure to win the hearts of many, but we’ll have to see that to Bayleef it! Then again, Pika-Peach (Peach & Lemonade) is a shockingly big contender we’ll have to keep an eye out for. Or maybe your first choice will be our Ditto (Mystery) shake? You never know what you’ll get! There’s only one way to find out…. gotta drink ‘em all!

Molly Smith is a wanderer of the Wasteland, a lover of all that is hoppy, and only burns grilled cheese half the time. She spent her college days trekking around Franklin Hall at Kent State University where she pursued her degree in marketing and advertising. Her passion for guest satisfaction and love for event planning led her to the Malted Meeple and Ravenwood Castle.